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HPE SimpliVity 380 VDI

Tri-Paragon Inc. 130 King Street West, Suite 1800, P.O. Box 427, Toronto, ON Canada M5X 1E3              


Phone: 416.865.3392 Email:

VDI - Delivering Secure Apps on a Hyperconverged Infrastructure

  1. Does your organization need to enhance productivity for users with secure access to data and applications on any device?
  2. Does your organization find maintaining data security and an audit-ready posture difficult due to device and data proliferation?
  3. Does your organization require data to remain behind their firewall?
  4. Does your organization insist on reliability and high levels of uptime?

 If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, then read on:


HPE SimpliVity hyperconverged systems improve agility by streamlining operations while freeing time and resources to support new IT projects. It also reduces risk by enabling rapid recovery from unplanned downtime.


Guaranteed Data Efficiency

Organizations may realize up to 90% capacity savings across production and backup storage while improving application performance. They can reduce unnecessary IO and improve performance with superior global data deduplication, compression, and optimization.


Built-In Resiliency, Backup, and Disaster Recovery

HPE SimpliVity solutions ensure the highest levels of data integrity and availability, meeting the increasingly stringent RTOs and RPOs with built-in backup, bandwidth efficient replication, and automated disaster recovery that eliminates legacy data.


Global VM-Centric Management and Mobility

HPE SimpliVity hyperconverged solutions simplify day-to-day management and improve IT agility with policy-based, VM-centric management. Organizations enjoy seamless VM mobility across their data center(s) and remote offices, making development teams and end-users more productive.


9 Fun Facts and Figures That You Should Know

  1. Sharing large design files via FTP, email and similar methods has become impractical and risky, and fails to reflect changes in real-time.
  2. By 2020, 40% of the North American workforce will be contingent workers.
  3. Contractors, partners, freelancers and other contingent workers need access to business apps and data, but this brings up a number of security concerns. Citrix solutions mitigate these risks by providing contingent workers with secure access to virtual apps and desktops.
  4. 1 in 10 laptops are lost or stolen – more than 50% of laptops are stolen at work.
  5. Corporate laptops pose significant challenges for IT. As people move on and off the corporate network, businesses must ensure that all virtual laptop updates and patches are applied, that data is being backed up and that devices are supported wherever they are. Citrix solutions keeps data secure for IT and keeps the experience seamless for users.
  6. 1 in 5 Americans work from home at least once a week.
  7. Mobile employees, and those working in branch locations, need access to apps, desktops and data without compromising the security of the corporate network. Citrix solutions enables remote or branch employees to connect over any local Internet provider – without the need for costly leased lines – and gain remote access to everything their work requires.
  8. More than 60% of workers purchase smartphones for work.
  9. BYOT is happening. It’s too late to keep high level employees from using their personal mobile devices at work – businesses must find a way to deal with the BYOT that already exists. Citrix solutions enable businesses to empower a BYOT workforce without increasing risk.
VDI Users

Your users want, need and demand secure access to data and applications from any and all of their devices from anywhere. Your users want fast and reliable access with no delays and your users want a consistent user experience when accessing data and apps regardless of the device they are using.


IT managers have a lot on their plate:

VDI IT Managers

There are a lot of demands for IT Managers (the IT Department) and they already have a lot on their plate. They want to enable users to securely access data from their own devices as well as from corporate owned devices. They also need to ensure the way that they deliver that data is secure and complies with the rules, such as the company and regulatory requirements.  And they need to meet corporate SLA’s… all this within tight budgets…

VDI Forrester

“To compete in the face of digital disruption, your firm must transform…You must enhance your digital customer experience while also driving agility and efficiency through digital operational excellence.”


“Companies that embrace the impending digital transformation are expected to experience (on average)10% revenue growth and 26% profit growth.  67% of CEO’s will have digital transformation at the center of their corporate strategy by the end of 2017.”


What if transformation would balance your business by:

  • Delivering better business outcomes
  • Meeting your IT security and compliance requirements
  • Meeting your budget


By delivering Secure virtualized applications to users on any device, anytime and anywhere. Instead of having every device maintain its own operating system, applications and data, the operating system, applications and data are all sitting on a server in the data center that users can access from any device, anytime, from anywhere.  This allows IT administrators to host and administer user devices quickly and easily in the datacenter. Users access their applications via the network.  Citrix XenDesktops offers many new and compelling benefits for increasing manageability, performance, and security of virtualized applications to any user device. 


Two profiles demonstrating success with anytime, anywhere, any device using hyperconvergence


Profile 1

One Canadian electric company can measure its hyperconvergence success with a particularly notable metric: user happiness. Guelph Hydro’s systems analyst, Adam Borecky, says that the IT team used to field 60-70 calls from users complaining about their virtual desktops.

VDI Guelph Hydro

Users were often disconnected, or their systems were running slowly. IT was working on incremental improvements every three to six months, but they weren’t always obvious. “It’s a night and day difference” since implementing Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) SimpliVity, Borecki said. “We were able to reduce our data center footprint, reduce power costs, and, most importantly, our users are finally happy with our VDI performance.”


Profile 2

Altrecht, a leading Dutch mental healthcare provider, replaced its disjointed multivendor IT implementation with a Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) SimpliVity hyperconverged infrastructure.

VDI Healthcare

The HPE SimpliVity solution ensures high performance and resiliency for the healthcare provider’s critical applications. This includes a XenApp end-user computing implementation that supports over 1500 concurrent users while significantly reducing equipment and operational expenses.

VDI Citrix XenDesktop

Hyperconverged options from HPE, Citrix & Intel


Option 1

HPE Hyper Converged SimpliVity 380 powered by Intel with Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop.Cost-effective virtualization system that combines intuitive software with the reliability of a world class platform so you can become an internal service provider with cloud-like simplicity for your business. Based on ProLiant servers powered by the latest Intel Xeon processors.

  • Intuitive user experience
  • Self-service VM vending
  • Deploy at with efficiency
  • #1 in CRN usability

Option 2

HPE Hyper Converged SimpliVity 380 powered by Intel® with Citrix XenDesktop delivers a powerhouse hyperconverged solution that dramatically simplifies IT by combining all infrastructure and advanced data services for virtualized workloads onto the bestselling server platform on the market, HPE ProLiant DL380.

  • Built-in enterprise data protection and resiliency
  • Automated storage utilization and efficiency
  • Always on compression and de-duplication
  • Policy-based VM centric management
  • Scores 4.9 out of 5 in Gartner Peer Insights


 “We know from our past research that the success or failure of a VDI initiative hangs almost entirely on end user acceptance and maintaining application speed and performance.”


– David K. Johnson, Forrester VDI analyst


 In client virtualization, the ultimate test of performance is the user experience. The best way to evaluate and compare performance results is with a standardized test battery that uses real-world applications. The industry-standard VDI test is a suite of benchmarking tools produced by Login VSI. Login VSI uses automation to evaluate performance and user experience in a consistent and repeatable way. Hardware and software vendors use Login VSI tools to benchmark their VDI solutions. In addition, the company’s validated by Login VSI service certifies that vendors are using the Login VSI software correctly and that the results published can be trusted.


To date, Hewlett Packard Enterprise is the only infrastructure vendor to have successfully completed the rigorous auditing and oversight process involved to achieve “Validated by Login VSI” status.


 To view a demo of the HPE SimpliVity technology in action, go to:


 Start your digital transformation journey today!  Contact Tri-Paragon Inc. at 416.865.3392 or by email at for more information on the HPE SimpliVity Virtual Desktop Solution.