Business and IT Interruption and Disaster Recovery Planning

Tri-Paragon Inc. 130 King Street West, Suite 1800, P.O. Box 427, Toronto, ON Canada M5X 1E3

Phone: 416.865.3392 Email:

(The science of performance)

“If you think it is expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur” Red Adair

Business and IT Interruption Recovery Planning

Business, governments and government agencies must be prepared for unexpected business interruptions of all types, from a supplier’s inability to supply, to the loss of a critical customer to a breakdown in a business process such as a temporary IT application outage or a loss of key personnel affecting the ability to execute that process. Proper proactive preparation prevents business outages of extended duration and provides the ability to quickly recover.

Risk Assessment for Disaster Recovery and Business Interruption Planning

Tri-Paragon Inc. 130 King Street West, Suite 1800, P.O. Box 427, Toronto, ON Canada M5X 1E3

Phone: 416.865.3392 Email:

(The science of performance)

“If you think it is expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur” Red Adair

Unplanned Business Interruptions

Disaster Recovery Plan Consists of 2 primary inputs- Business Impact Assessment and Risk Analysis

Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment are both important components of BC/DR Plans. However, Business Impact Analysis should be carried out before attempting Risk Assessment. Once both these components are in place, it is easier to formulate a sound strategy and plan for Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery.

The four most important risk scenarios that affect business operations of an organization are:

1. Production site is partly or fully destroyed or cannot be accessed
2. Loss of data and / or other critical records
3. Loss of IT functions due to application software errors, glitches, viruses, power outages etc.
4. Loss of skills due to incapacitation, pandemics, death or mission-critical staff leaving for greener pastures

Disaster Recovery Business Impact Analysis

Tri-Paragon Inc. 130 King Street West, Suite 1800, P.O. Box 427, Toronto, ON Canada M5X 1E3

Phone: 416.865.3392 Email:

(The science of performance)

“If you think it is expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur” Red Adair

Unplanned System Outages

Disaster Recovery Plan Consists of 2 primary inputs- Business Impact Assessment and Risk AnalysisAre you unprepared for unpredictable and unexpected events which can expose your systems to unplanned outages? Planning for negative events strengthens your ability to respond and reduces your exposure to high losses if you are unprepared. There is an obvious parallel between the theory of unpredictable and unexpected events and the need for disaster preparedness for your critical IT assets.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Assessments

Tri-Paragon Inc. 130 King Street West, Suite 1800, P.O. Box 427, Toronto, ON Canada M5X 1E3

Phone: 416.865.3392 Email:

(The science of performance)

“If you think it is expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur” Red Adair
How effective are your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans???
Disaster Recovery is the process an organization uses to recover access to their software, data, hardware, and/or processes that are needed to resume the performance of normal, critical business functions after the event of either a natural disaster, or a disaster caused by humans, cyber-attacks, or an unexpected outage of a service or component of a business preventing the business from providing service to their customers as expected.