magbo system

Reducing Your Data Centre Carbon Footprint Best Practice No. 8

Identify and decommission ghost servers and power hogs

Up to 30% of servers may be “ghost servers” or “zombies”—idle servers that are physically running and consuming energy but are not performing any useful functions.

Reducing Your Data Centre Carbon Footprint Best Practice No. 7

Minimize Bypass Airflow

Cooling accounts for about half a data center’s energy consumption, so improving the efficiency of your cooling infrastructure is critical for improving overall efficiency. One often-overlooked way to achieve this is by optimizing airflow.

Reducing Your Data Centre Carbon Footprint Best Practice No. 6

Implement Hot/Cold Aisle Containment

Ceiling panels and doors enclose the hot aisle between rows of cabinets so that warm exhaust air can be separated and returned to the cooling system. Implement a data center containment strategy where cold supply air from cooling units is separated from the hot exhaust air from IT equipment.