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5 Ways 5G Technology Will Affect Data Centers

5G, the next generation of mobile internet connectivity, is expected to hit the market worldwide in 2020. The faster connections and lower latency provided by 5G will revolutionize every industry from retail and transportation to entertainment and healthcare. According to IHS, 5G is expected to create $12.3 trillion, in global economic output and 22 million jobs by 2035.

Sunbird DCIM Functionality and Benefits Overview

To ease the cost of managing your data centers and better understand the value of Sunbird DCIM software

Sunbird DCIM Software has many features and functions to run efficient Data Centre operations and facilities to improve Data Centre infrastructure and facilities planning and design. It typically replaces Excel, Visio, and home-grown databases. DCIM software can bridge information across organizational domains – Data Centre Ops, Facilities, and IT to maximize utilization of the Data Centre.

Data Center BI and Analytics using Sunbird DCIM Software

Harness the Power of Your Data Center Data

In today’s ever-changing data center environment, insights from data provide a critical competitive advantage. But with the massive volume and variety of data generated by your data center devices, who has the time or training to collect that data, analyze it, gain insights from it, and ultimately derive value from it?

Using SUNBIRD DCIM to Manage Data Center Power Utilization

Sunbird DCIM Software Proven Enterprise Class Monitoring that Won’t Break the Bank

Keep Usage in Control:

Can you tell your customers how much power they are using? What power capacity is available? Are you being asked to ensure power up-time and reliability?

Data centers and IT labs everywhere are approaching operational capacity limits. Power resources are increasingly constrained, and the cost of energy is spiraling out of control. You need to know how much power you are using, how much is available and where you can improve efficiency. As budgets are decreasing, having a tool to help answer these questions and keep your power usage in control is critical.

Using SUNBIRD DCIM to Manage Data Center IT Infra and Facility Changes

Change management not only encompasses technological installations (upgrades, patching, and migrations) but also field engineering installation changes.

Change management can be a complex road littered with potholes. The irony of working in system or network administration is that you’re there to maintain the status quo and yet careful change management is also your job. Effective delivery of services and resources demands that you maintain the best possible up-time while transitioning from old to new, whether replacing technology or simply improving upon it.

Using SUNBIRD DCIM to Safeguard Your Data Center Against Physical Threats and Intrusions

Why is Physical Security at Data Centers Important?

As we see more and more headlines of breaches, the focus on intruders accessing critical data has been heightened.

What is the goal of those intruders?

To access critical data stored by organizations. This brings data centers into focus because the ultimate nexus of that critical data is in the data center.

One of the top responsibility areas for data center managers falls into that of physical security. Even with the shift to cloud-based infrastructure, data centers are still the critical physical bastion protecting critical data from physical theft.

Managing the Data Centre Environment with Sunbird DCIM

The Data Center Environment

Among the many items on your plate of challenges is making sure the data center provides an ideal environment for the rigorous grind of everyday IT. While not all IT shops are set up in state-of-the-art fortresses, adhering to data center environmental standards is essential to creating ideal conditions.

Managing Data Centre Energy with Sunbird DCIM

The Data Center Factory

In the data center industry, we are seeing a widening range of data centers. Cloud and Colocation facilities are larger and higher density capacity with electrical demand in the tens and hundreds of megawatts. There is edge computing where small data centers are distributed widely. Increasingly, we are seeing extreme weather conditions that lead to longer power outages. Data center energy management is a critical piece to data center management; data centers must have the ability to protect against these situations. Regardless of the size of the facilities, energy consumption and related costs are representing a larger portion of a data center company’s operating costs.

Managing Data Centre Capacity with Sunbird DCIM

How do you know how much space, power, cooling, and network capacity is available in your data center? Where is the best place to reserve space and deploy new IT equipment for optimal utilization? How do you get the data you need to convince your management that you need more capacity? With data centers becoming increasingly dense and complex, capacity is at a premium. Modern data center managers are under pressure to make the most of the capacity, or risk failing to meet IT resource demand.

Managing Data Centre Connectivity with Sunbird DCIM Software

Say Goodbye to Cable Spaghetti and Spider Webs

Reduce Connectivity Complexity and Manage Cabling with Ease
A data center is a high-density, complex system with hundreds, if not thousands, of devices from a multitude of vendors. Knowing how devices are connected to each other is critical to effectively managing your data center. Without this information, you can’t plan capacity, perform fail-over analysis, manage virtual as well as physical connections, and quickly respond to outages in your data center.
How can I quickly identify what circuits are running? How do I know which customers and applications are relying on those circuits? What is the impact of changes on my power and network? DCIM software with connectivity management can help you answer these questions and more.