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An Introduction to Sunbird DCIM Software

DCIM software is a class of software that gives Data Centre operators the ability to run efficient Data Centre operations and improve Data Centre infrastructure planning and design. It typically replaces Excel, Visio, and home-grown databases. DCIM software can bridge information across organizational domains – Data Centre Ops, Facilities, and IT to maximize utilization of the Data Centre.

Sunbird DCIM software provides Data Centre operations managers with the ability to identify, locate, visualize, and manage all physical Data Centre assets, quickly provision new equipment, and confidently plan capacity for future growth. Sunbird DCIM software also helps control energy costs, improve Data Centre design, and increase operational efficiency.


Implementing a Sunbird Data Centre Infrastructure Management solution provides Data Centre operations managers and their companies with significant operational and cost-saving benefits, today and into the future.


Improve Data Centre Availability


Sunbird DCIM software reduces the risk of Data Centre downtime by constantly monitoring critical facilities infrastructure. Sunbird DCIM software polls equipment, collects, trends, and reports on data, and monitors for threshold violations. With built in alerting, you can react before failures impact users and Data Centre services. The average cost of a Data Centre outage is $9,000 per minute and has steadily increased from 2010 to today (for a 38 percent net increase). Any opportunity to achieve Data Centre outage risk reduction ought to be given serious consideration.

Living with Downtime

Improve Capacity Planning & Utilization


Sunbird DCIM Improves Capacity Planning & Utilization by quickly modelling and allocating space for new servers, racks, IT and facilities equipment. Manage relationships between IT equipment and critical facilities infrastructure in a few clicks with power and network connectivity diagrams.

Capacity Planning

Increase Data Centre Energy Efficiency


Automatically collect data from Building feeds, IT loads, and non-IT loads for immediate calculation and trending of PUE across all your Data Centres to ensure corporate energy efficiency initiatives and identify opportunities to reduce energy costs.

DC Energy Efficiency Metrics

Improve People Productivity


Reservations, moves, adds, and changes are easily accomplished through fully integrated and automated workflow management. Process assurance, tracking and audit trails dramatically increase employee productivity and morale.


Support for Large Increases in Data and The Move to The Edge


According to Gartner, the confluence of the IoT, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 5G is creating a surge in data production that could see more than 7.5 billion connected devices in use in enterprises by 2020. When it comes to the edge, centralizing work is too costly, so it’s cheaper and faster to work on the data at the edge where it is collected. The fact that there is a need for a combined solution at the edge to scale and automate is self-evident. Tools such as the Sunbird Data Centre Infrastructure Management software are the easiest way to modernize Data Centres and provide the ability to support more IoT and big data-generated information.


In Summary

  • Sunbird DCIM software improves Data Centre availability by constantly monitoring critical facilities infrastructure.
  • Sunbird DCIM software improves Capacity Planning & Utilization by quickly modelling and allocating space for new servers, racks, IT and facilities equipment.
  • Sunbird DCIM software automatically collects data from building feeds, IT loads, and non-IT loads for immediate calculation and trending of PUE across all your Data Centres to ensure corporate energy efficiency initiatives and identify opportunities to reduce energy costs.
  • Sunbird DCIM software improves people productivity through fully integrated and automated workflow management.
  • Sunbird DCIM software modernizes Data Centres and provide the ability to support more IoT and big data-generated information.