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Tri-Paragon’s Data Protection as a Service – Prevent Cybersecurity Attacks

Keep your organization safe from cybersecurity attacks

Did you know?

Phishing is a type of online scam where an attacker impersonates legitimate organizations via email, text message or advertisement to trick a victim into revealing sensitive information to the attacker, or to deploy malicious software on the victim’s infrastructure.


Your organization’s cybersecurity posture is unfortunately only as strong as your weakest employee – a data breach is statistically more likely to come from human negligence rather than a criminal hack.

Human Negligence

That’s why creating a risk-aware culture within the workplace is critical to prevent your employees from becoming unknowingly complicit in cybercriminal activity.


Email phishing scams are the most prevalent and successful attack method today. Phishing continues to be the most popular tactic for cybercriminals due to its simplicity and effectiveness. It targets the weakest link in the security chain: the user. Phishers usually masquerade as a trustworthy entity in an email. 90% of successful data breaches come from phishing scams*.

Phishing Attack

Employees are not a cybersecurity problem – they’re part of the solution. By empowering them with the most current cybersecurity best practices, you can transform your work culture and leverage existing resources as part of your cyber defense strategy. For example, security awareness training and phishing simulations ensure teams have the knowledge and skills needed to stay cybersecure at work and at home. There is an 84% improvement rate for stopping phishing attacks after security awareness training*.


5 Steps to Cyber Fitness

Our Security Awareness Training is an education program that teaches employees about security and phishing while creating best practices and good habits. One of the biggest weaknesses in any cybersecurity system is the human factor. It doesn’t matter whether your organization is using sophisticated passwords, multiple firewalls, anti-malware programs, etc. The human factor will always be an issue in keeping your company and yourself safe. At the end of the day, the employees are the ones who are most vulnerable and need the right tools. If an employee has not been effectively trained on cybersecurity awareness, the chances are high they will compromise a company through simple mistakes, negligence, or even apathy.


Security Awareness Training aims to resolve this by directly focusing on the human factor. As the cyber threat landscape continues to grow, guarding our information systems becomes even more difficult. Protecting a business’s information by simply focusing on the information itself still leaves you vulnerable, as over 90% of breaches involve social engineering. In addition, a security awareness training program can act as a team building and collaboration exercise.

Security Training

Employees receive phishing emails every day. And while most security tools do a great job of filtering out most phishing emails, hackers are changing their tactics every day, and some phishing emails ultimately land in an employee’s inbox. And the phishing attack is just the beginning. Phishing is the attack vector the hacker uses to get access to a company’s system. Once an attacker has access, that’s where they do their damage.

Attack Vectors

From preparing every employee with industry-leading security-awareness training to running anti-virus software, protecting your inboxes, testing systems against hacking, developing guidance and policies for your public sector agency and other consultancy-based support, our nimble, affordable services can make it easy for you to prevent a data disaster. Talk to us about how we can help your business succeed.

Explore how integrated cyber protection eliminates complexity challenges, delivers better protection against today’s cyberthreats, and maximizes efficiency by saving you time and money.

Integrated Cyber Protection

The Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud consolidates to a single technology with centralized manageability for all our clients and gives us the ability to be able to monitor and manage everything from a single interface.

Keeping cybersecurity as simple as possible and instilling a relationship with a trusted IT technology partner like Tri-Paragon who understands your unique business requirements are key to a successful outcome in today’s disruptive world.

We invite you to learn more by contacting us at 1 416 865-3392 or by email at

Tri-Paragon Inc.

Tri Paragon