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Data Center Management Simplified

Smart Tools for Efficient Decision Making
Tri-Paragon’s DCIM as a Service

Data Centre Cost reduction initiatives, corporate mandates, as well as space, budget, and uptime planning require detailed asset information to achieve corporate objectives.

DC Mgmt Simplified

With the increased complexity and density in data centers, it is now more critical to know what you have and where these assets are. Do you use traditional tools, methods, and processes such as spreadsheets for data input and reporting to manage your data center? Do you have any way of capturing critical information and making the decisions and changes that optimize your data center’s performance?

DC Mgmt Process

Do these tools let you know:


  • What you have today in your data center?
  • How is your power path connected?
  • What is the path of your data connections
  • Who owns what equipment?
  • How much energy is being consumed and by whom?
  • The age of your equipment?
  • When is the maintenance contract up for renewal?
  • When does the equipment warranty expire?

To be successful, it is crucial to assess, plan, and review your strategy using tools that provide the information you need to make the best-informed decisions for your data center. Tri-Paragon’s Data Center Infrastructure Management as a Service (DCIMaaS) solution guides your site’s growth and keeps your data center and the information within healthy from day one.


Look towards an integrated DCIMaaS solution, that is easy to use, fully supported, and that has the flexibility to be implemented and adapted to your environment based on your challenges and needs.

DC Mgmt Status

Tri-Paragon’s Data Center Infrastructure Management as a Service (DCIMaaS) benefits:


  • Efficiency in managing moves, adds and changes of data center assets.
  • Accurate real-time inventory of all assets in the data center.
  • Single repository for data center information.
  • Visualization and reporting for ongoing decision making.
  • Capacity tools for more efficient planning.
  • Change management and workflow process support.
  • Planning and budgeting your equipment refresh.

Most day-to-day data center operational problems can be broken down into six key functional areas to manage:


  • Capacity Management: Know how much capacity you have available (space, power, and connections), when you will run out and how to better utilize it.
  • Asset Management: Know where your assets are located, who owns them, how old they are, and what the maintenance is.
  • Change Management: Know who does the change, when it is scheduled, when it is done, is there adequate rack space, power and cooling, is the network and power chain defined, and is it correct.
  • Energy Management: Know your energy cost, who is consuming and where the opportunities are to save.
  • Power Management: Know how much is being consumed, if you have redundancy and where your single points of failure are, and how much is available.
  • Environmental Management: Know if you have hot spots and if you are maintaining a safe environment.
Power Capacity

Managing these everyday questions with your current tools, is often ineffective and cumbersome. Why continue to operate the way you are today and continue to have the same problems?


Tri-Paragon’s DCIM as a Service using Sunbird’s DCIM Software lets you analyze the performance and effectiveness of your data centre while Tri-Paragon maintains the DCIM functionality on your behalf and provides recommendations on how to reduce data centre costs and improve uptime. We provide answers to the above questions for you and more.

To learn more and to schedule a demo click below and receive an overview of our DCIMaaS.